Font resources

2 resources that can be used with Font. All resources are reviewed and of high quality.


20 downloads/month

Miolly  UI KIT preview picture
Jan 02, 2022
The Miolly is a flexible and powerful tool to create stunning business, agency, and startup websites. Miolly is buil...
Cleaning App Template preview picture
Feb 25, 2021
A mobile based app for users to connect with the professional on demand cleaners available near them. Multiple on dem...
Postal App Ui preview picture
Feb 10, 2019
Another OUTSTANDING app design by Ramon! Postal App is designed for shipment, delivery, flight, logistic, courier ser...
Cosmofreak - Beauty & Cosmetics Shop | Figma preview picture
Nov 25, 2022
Taking care of our body is as much as important as we stay fit internally. Cosmetics are helpful to improve our mood,...
Dec 06, 2021
The goal of this presentation and its role in the sales process is to generate interest in learning more about your c...
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