Figma resources

5 resources that can be used with Figma. All resources are reviewed and of high quality.


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Taxi Booking Website preview picture
Jul 25, 2024
Hello folks!! Here's Taxi Booking, on-demand taxi booking Website design. Hope you all like it !! This is our new re...
Pet Store Website preview picture
Jul 23, 2024
PetStore Website Design This Figma UI model makes it easy for customers to find and purchase pet-related products.
PetStore Website preview picture
Jul 23, 2024
PetStore Website Design This Figma UI model makes it easy for customers to find and purchase pet-related products.
Taxi Booking Website preview picture
Jul 25, 2024
Hello folks!! Here's Taxi Booking, on-demand taxi booking Website design. Hope you all like it !! This is our new re...
Questo Competitive Analysis preview picture
Jul 22, 2024
A competitive analysis template is a structured framework that enables businesses to systematically evaluate their co...
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  • EpicPxls / Mobile Apps review - FixThePhoto
  • EpicPxls / Vidico video production