Figma Wallet UI KITPremium

Figma Wallet UI KIT
Figma Wallet UI KIT
Figma Wallet UI KIT
Figma Wallet UI KIT

The user registration page provides a process for new users to create an account, where basic identity information such as the user's name, email address, password, and other details are collected. The login page allows users to access their existing accounts and requires information such as the username and password.

The digital onboarding page is a page that contains all the information required to verify a user's identity. This page may ask users to upload a specific identity document or other authentication information.

The account information page is a page where users can view basic information about their accounts. This page includes important information related to the user's account, such as account balance, transaction history, and other details.

The card creation page allows users to add new cards, where information such as the card number, expiration date, and security code are required.

The profile information page allows users to update their personal information related to their accounts. This page includes the user's name, address, phone number, and other personal details.

The requesting money page allows users to request money from others, where information such as the requested amount and recipient's details are required.

The sending money page allows users to send money to another person, where information such as the amount sent, recipient's name, and account number are required.

The transactions page is a page where users can view all the transactions on their accounts. This page includes important information related to the user's account, such as account balance, transaction history, and other details.

The UI KIT is designed using Figma and each page includes many different elements that cover every detail of the design. The design is user-friendly and intuitive to use.